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How to round a number to a specific decimal place in Python

How to round a number to a specific decimal place in Python.

Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to round a number to a specific decimal place in Python:

Step 1: Import the math module

To perform rounding operations, we need to import the math module in Python. The math module provides various mathematical functions, including rounding.

import math

Step 2: Use the round() function

The round() function is a built-in function in Python that allows you to round a number to the nearest integer or to a specific decimal place. To round a number to a specific decimal place, you need to provide the number and the desired number of decimal places as arguments to the round() function.

rounded_number = round(number, decimal_places)

Let's look at some code examples to better understand how to use the round() function:

Example 1: Round to the nearest integer

To round a number to the nearest integer, you can simply call the round() function without specifying any decimal places.

import math

number = 3.7
rounded_number = round(number)

print(rounded_number) # Output: 4

Example 2: Round to a specific decimal place

To round a number to a specific decimal place, you need to provide the number and the desired number of decimal places as arguments to the round() function.

import math

number = 3.14159
rounded_number = round(number, 2) # Round to 2 decimal places

print(rounded_number) # Output: 3.14

Example 3: Round up or down to the nearest decimal place

By default, the round() function rounds to the nearest even number when the number is exactly halfway between two possible rounded values. However, if you want to round up or down to the nearest decimal place, you can use the math module's ceil() or floor() functions.

import math

number = 3.5

rounded_down = math.floor(number) # Rounds down to the nearest decimal place
rounded_up = math.ceil(number) # Rounds up to the nearest decimal place

print(rounded_down) # Output: 3
print(rounded_up) # Output: 4

That's it! You now know how to round a number to a specific decimal place in Python using the round() function provided by the math module.