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How to calculate the exponential of a number in Python

How to calculate the exponential of a number in Python.

Here is a detailed step-by-step tutorial on how to calculate the exponential of a number in Python.

Step 1: Import the math module

To perform exponential calculations, we need to import the math module in Python. This module provides various mathematical functions and constants.

import math

Step 2: Using the math.exp() function

The math.exp() function calculates the exponential of a given number. It takes a single argument and returns e raised to the power of that argument.

import math

number = 2
result = math.exp(number)

In this example, we calculate the exponential of 2 using the math.exp() function and store the result in the result variable. Finally, we print the result, which will be approximately 7.3890560989306495.

Step 3: Using the exponentiation operator (**)

Python also provides the exponentiation operator (**), which can be used to calculate the exponential of a number. This operator raises the base number to the power of the exponent.

number = 2
result = math.e ** number

Here, we calculate the exponential of 2 using the exponentiation operator and store the result in the result variable. The output will be the same as in the previous example.

Step 4: Using a loop to calculate the exponential series

If you want to calculate the exponential of a range of numbers, you can use a loop. Here's an example that calculates the exponential series from 0 to 5:

import math

for i in range(6):
result = math.exp(i)
print(f"The exponential of {i} is: {result}")

In this example, we use a for loop to iterate through the numbers 0 to 5. For each iteration, we calculate the exponential using math.exp() and print the result.


The exponential of 0 is: 1.0
The exponential of 1 is: 2.718281828459045
The exponential of 2 is: 7.3890560989306495
The exponential of 3 is: 20.085536923187668
The exponential of 4 is: 54.598150033144236
The exponential of 5 is: 148.4131591025766

That's it! You now know how to calculate the exponential of a number in Python using different methods. Feel free to experiment with different values and explore more mathematical functions available in the math module.