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How to Pass a Dictionary into `str.format()` in Python

How to Pass a Dictionary into str.format() in Python

In Python, the str.format() method allows us to insert values into a string by using placeholders. These placeholders are represented by curly braces {} and can be replaced with the desired values. We can pass a dictionary as an argument to str.format() to replace multiple placeholders with key-value pairs from the dictionary.

Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to pass a dictionary into str.format() in Python:

Step 1: Create a Dictionary

First, create a dictionary with the values you want to insert into the string. The dictionary should consist of key-value pairs, where the keys represent the placeholders in the string.

data = {
'name': 'John',
'age': 25,
'country': 'USA'

In this example, we have a dictionary called data with three keys: 'name', 'age', and 'country'.

Step 2: Define the String

Next, define the string where you want to insert the values from the dictionary. Placeholders for the dictionary keys should be included using curly braces {}.

message = "My name is {name}, I am {age} years old, and I live in {country}."

We have defined a string called message with three placeholders: {name}, {age}, and {country}.

Step 3: Pass the Dictionary into str.format()

To pass the dictionary into str.format(), call the format() method on the string and pass the dictionary as an argument.

formatted_message = message.format(**data)

The **data syntax is used to unpack the dictionary and pass its key-value pairs as keyword arguments to the format() method.

Step 4: Print or Use the Formatted String

Finally, you can print or use the formatted string as desired. The placeholders in the string will be replaced with the corresponding values from the dictionary.


The output will be:

My name is John, I am 25 years old, and I live in USA.

Additional Examples

Example 1: Numeric Values

data = {
'num1': 10,
'num2': 5,
'sum': 15

message = "The sum of {num1} and {num2} is {sum}."

formatted_message = message.format(**data)


The sum of 10 and 5 is 15.

Example 2: Date Values

data = {
'day': 12,
'month': 'October',
'year': 2022

message = "Today is {day}th {month}, {year}."

formatted_message = message.format(**data)


Today is 12th October, 2022.

Example 3: Boolean Values

data = {
'is_sunny': True,
'is_rainy': False

message = "Is it sunny? {is_sunny}. Is it rainy? {is_rainy}."

formatted_message = message.format(**data)


Is it sunny? True. Is it rainy? False.

By following these steps and examples, you can easily pass a dictionary into str.format() in Python and dynamically insert values into your strings.