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How to perform statistical analysis using SciPy.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to perform statistical analysis using SciPy.

Step 1: Install SciPy

First, make sure you have SciPy installed on your system. You can install it using pip by running the following command:

pip install scipy

Step 2: Import the necessary modules

To use SciPy for statistical analysis, you need to import the necessary modules. In this tutorial, we will use the scipy.stats module for statistical functions and distributions. You can import it using the following code:

from scipy import stats

Step 3: Descriptive statistics

Descriptive statistics provide a summary of the main characteristics of a dataset. Let's start by calculating some common descriptive statistics using SciPy.

Mean and median

To calculate the mean and median of a dataset, you can use the mean() and median() functions from the scipy.stats module, respectively. Here's an example:

data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

mean_value = stats.mean(data)
median_value = stats.median(data)

print("Mean:", mean_value)
print("Median:", median_value)

Standard deviation and variance

To calculate the standard deviation and variance of a dataset, you can use the std() and var() functions from the scipy.stats module, respectively. Here's an example:

data = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

std_value = stats.std(data)
var_value = stats.var(data)

print("Standard Deviation:", std_value)
print("Variance:", var_value)


To calculate the mode of a dataset, you can use the mode() function from the scipy.stats module. Here's an example:

data = [1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5]

mode_value = stats.mode(data)

print("Mode:", mode_value)

Step 4: Hypothesis testing

Hypothesis testing is used to determine whether a sample of data provides enough evidence to infer something about the population from which the sample was drawn. SciPy provides various functions for hypothesis testing.


The t-test is used to compare the means of two samples. Here's an example of how to perform a t-test using SciPy:

sample1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
sample2 = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

t_statistic, p_value = stats.ttest_ind(sample1, sample2)

print("T-statistic:", t_statistic)
print("P-value:", p_value)

chi-square test

The chi-square test is used to determine if there is a significant association between two categorical variables. Here's an example of how to perform a chi-square test using SciPy:

observed = [10, 20, 30]
expected = [15, 25, 35]

chi2_statistic, p_value = stats.chisquare(observed, expected)

print("Chi-square statistic:", chi2_statistic)
print("P-value:", p_value)

Step 5: Probability distributions

SciPy provides a wide range of probability distributions that can be used for various statistical computations. Here's an example of how to work with probability distributions in SciPy:

# Create a normal distribution object
normal_dist = stats.norm(loc=0, scale=1)

# Calculate the probability density function (PDF) at a given value
pdf_value = normal_dist.pdf(0)

# Calculate the cumulative distribution function (CDF) at a given value
cdf_value = normal_dist.cdf(0)

# Generate random samples from the distribution
random_samples = normal_dist.rvs(size=100)

print("PDF at 0:", pdf_value)
print("CDF at 0:", cdf_value)
print("Random samples:", random_samples)

This concludes our tutorial on performing statistical analysis using SciPy. You can explore the SciPy documentation for a more comprehensive list of statistical functions and distributions available.