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How to create a new directory in Python

How to create a new directory in Python.

In Python, you can easily create a new directory using the os module or the pathlib module. These modules provide functions and methods to interact with the file system and perform various operations, including creating directories.

In this tutorial, we will explore both methods and provide step-by-step instructions on how to create a new directory in Python.

Using the os module

The os module in Python provides a wide range of functions for interacting with the operating system. It includes functions to create directories, check file and directory existence, and perform other file-related operations.

To create a new directory using the os module, follow these steps:

  1. Import the os module:
   import os
  1. Choose a name for your new directory. For example, let's say we want to create a directory called "my_directory".

  2. Use the os.mkdir() function to create the new directory. Pass the desired directory name as an argument. For example:


This will create a new directory named "my_directory" in the current working directory.

  1. If you want to create a directory in a specific location, provide the absolute or relative path to the os.mkdir() function. For example:

This will create a new directory named "my_directory" in the "/path/to/" directory.

  1. If you want to create multiple directories at once, you can use the os.makedirs() function. It creates all intermediate directories if they don't exist. For example:

This will create the directory structure "/path/to/my_directory" if it doesn't already exist.

  1. To check if a directory exists before creating it, you can use the os.path.exists() function. It returns True if the directory exists, and False otherwise. For example:
   if not os.path.exists("my_directory"):

This will create the "my_directory" only if it doesn't already exist.

Using the pathlib module

The pathlib module was introduced in Python 3.4 and provides an object-oriented approach for working with paths and file system operations. It offers a more intuitive and concise way to create directories.

To create a new directory using the pathlib module, follow these steps:

  1. Import the pathlib module:
   from pathlib import Path
  1. Choose a name for your new directory. For example, let's say we want to create a directory called "my_directory".

  2. Create a Path object with the desired directory name. For example:

   path = Path("my_directory")
  1. Use the mkdir() method of the Path object to create the new directory:

This will create a new directory named "my_directory" in the current working directory.

  1. To create a directory in a specific location, provide the absolute or relative path when creating the Path object. For example:
   path = Path("/path/to/my_directory")

This will create a new directory named "my_directory" in the "/path/to/" directory.

  1. Similar to the os module, you can use the exist() method of the Path object to check if a directory exists before creating it. For example:
   path = Path("my_directory")
if not path.exists():

This will create the "my_directory" only if it doesn't already exist.

That's it! You now know how to create a new directory in Python using both the os module and the pathlib module. Choose the method that suits your needs and start organizing your files and directories programmatically.